1. The road signs have local Corsican language and French language, with a few stray bullet holes and blacked out marker on the French language made by the disgruntled people who are in the National Liberation Front of Corsica. And, sometimes you’ll find broken glass on the bumpy dirt roads to the beaches.
2. Fish is difficult to find on the menu. It was like this at Hotel Belvedere, where my husband and I had to call in advance for seating, order from a pre-arranged menu, and while we were eating, we noticed other diners (the hotel guests) were enjoying a freshly caught fish on their plates.
3. You’ll have a menu, but you’ll find that some of the main dishes are “not available”.
4. A car rental’s GPS will take you through the winding roads in the mountains and off the beaten trail than along the coast line.
5. Looking for an ATM? Good luck in the mountains, you’ll spot wild boar and cows and that’s about all.

6. There are military dogs living on the island.
7. There are beach dogs living on the island — and one which has a cowbell dangling from his collar.
8. Dog poop is everywhere in downtown Ajaccio!
9. No chips or olives or other “munchies” to enjoy at a beach bar.
10. Corsican have their own bottled water called Orezza, and it’s a good competitor to Perrier.

11. Corsican have their own version of “peanut butter”, more almond tasting than anything else … called Pâte à tartiner aux Canistrelli de Corse.
12. Corisicans have their own Coca-Cola, called “Corsican Cola” and I swear it takes exactly like Pepsi.